"The Teacher Exchange - an initiative under the Schools for Schools umbrella - allows international educators to volunteer in northern Ugandan through a six-week summer program. Created to enhance present educational models, and to establish long-term learning opportunities for both western and Ugandan teachers, educators engage in team teaching, information sharing, and skill building conferences - all with the purpose of generating collaboration among teachers from around the world.
Invisible Children developed the Teacher Exchange to support our Schools for Schools partners as they work to bring their classrooms in northern Uganda to a competitive standard, from the inside out. Teachers in northern Uganda have limited opportunities for personal and professional development. Classrooms in the north are typically characterized by huge student numbers and often complicated by a lack of space, a lack of furniture, a lack of textbooks and resources. As the Schools for Schools Program works to address problems with space and supplies, the Teacher Exchange provides a dynamic opportunity to boost the morale and build the capacity of both the international and Ugandan participants." -Invisible Children Program
To learn more about the program check out this website...